ヤマガタンver9 > 8 days at AUSTRALIA(2years ago) PS: stop tricks

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▼8 days at AUSTRALIA(2years ago) PS: stop tricks

I read RYOKO's report
I can easily know that she and Kunroi-girls have had her wonderful times at Australia now. I remember my staying at Australia.That was my first time to go to foreign country. Since that was my first time and I had to take my active and noizy students to Australia, I was really nervous. In australia My students didnt't take care of me(maybe), they said they wanted to try to get down the rock 10Meters,30Meters,60meters!) Of course I wasn't a student but HR teacher, so I had to try to climb the rock before my students as a model! When I was getting down the rock, I couldn't see the scene, having closed my eyes. But I managed to get down the 60meters rock!(really terrible!!)
Except for this,I could have many wonderful experience that we couldn't have in Japanese life and make many many wonderful memories!
If possible, I want to go there without students(with ) longer than before! I love Australia and the people!

Ryoko and Kunori-girls, make many precious memories at Australia! Take care!

Ken -from kunori-gakuen English teachers room Oct.28 6:16pm really cold.

PS: Do you know? - Australia starts from 1901.
Kunori also starts from 1901.
Both starts from the same year.

PS2: to Monique - Stop tricks! Don't use our wedding pictures in English teachers' PC screen(^. ^; )

2009/10/28 18:16 (C) けんのーと
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