ヤマガタンver9 > Rice Paddy Art Rice Harvesting!

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▼Rice Paddy Art Rice Harvesting!

Rice Paddy Art  Rice Harvesting! /

This May hundreds of participants got together to plant the amazing Rice Paddy art of Uesugi Kagekatsu and Sanada Yukimura. As the rice becomes ready for Harvest - the art will start to become yellow in colour and the night time light up view will be available until the 20th of August every Friday and Saturday between 19:00-21:00.

 Come join us as we harvest the rice! Participants will also get special gifts!


(Application Period) Mon. 1st August ~ Fri. 23rd September (First 200 people)

(Harvesting Date) Sun. 2nd October 9:00~13:00

(Please Arrive at) Misawa Community Center


(Participation Fee)   (General) Adult (High School +) 2,000 Yen

                      Children (Middle School and below) 1,500 Yen

                    (Group) Adult (High School +) 2,000 Yen

                      Children (Middle School and below) 1,500 Yen


  • Groups consist of 15 people +, Restricted to organizations through PTA


  • The Participating Fee covers Lunch, Insurance and Tsuyahime Rice that will be given out after the event.


(Enquiries・Applications) Rice Paddy Art Experience Committee

                       (Yonezawa City Hall Tourism Department)


                TEL: 0238-22-5111   (Extension 3809)

                FAX: 0238-24-4541

                E-mail: y-kanko@ms5.omn.ne.jp

2016/08/04 09:47 (C)
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